Innovation Mindset

The Art and Science of Civic Entrepreneurship

Led by: Shannon Arvizu

  • Learn about the 10 elements of civic entrepreneurship for introducing change within government institutions
  • Understand how current government leaders are applying civic entrepreneurship approaches to the implementation of innovative policies
  • Explore the role of civic entrepreneurship in aligning and coordinating efforts across federal, state, and local governments
Shannon Arvizu

Public Service Fellow in Tech & Society Group, Georgetown University

Format: Instructor-led

Date & Time: June 11, 2024, 3:00 PM ET

Duration: 90-minutes

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More information

Join us for this 90-minute virtual training with Shannon Arvizu, Public Service Fellow in Tech & Society Group at Georgetown University and a Senior Advisor to the Chief Data Officer in the U.S. Department of Commerce. In recent years, the Biden Administration and Congress have passed a historic legislation portfolio, resulting in hundreds of new programs and projects. To administer these new changes, federal agencies and state and local governments have had to rapidly improve their strategic and operational capabilities. In this workshop, you’ll explore the ways that the public sector has evolved in recent years to better deliver the right things, in the right way, and at the right speed for the communities they serve. You’ll also learn about the role that technology, data, and evidence-building approaches have facilitated the adoption of agile public sector management practices. Participants will walk away from the workshop having learned the 10 elements of civic entrepreneurship for introducing change within government institutions, understand how current government leaders are applying these elements to effectively implement innovative policies, and be inspired to apply these elements within your current government role.

Other workshops in the Innovation Mindset collection

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